
Township Public Resources

A collection of resources created by Township that we’re excited to share.

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Resources & Documentation

Township’s Values

Our company values at Township.

🪟Transparent Compensation

An overview of Township’s transparent compensation philosophy, why we use it, and how we use it.

💌Benefits Overview

A summary of benefits offered to full-time employees of Township.

🧑‍💻Township’s Interview Process

An overview of our interview process when applying to a position at Township, including a step-by-step breakdown and some tips to help you feel prepared along the way.

Engineering Documentation

JSDoc & TypescriptJSDoc & Typescript

How do we write great documentation for JS code? Where does that happen? What tooling can we pull in to help measure our docs?

Pull Request Work FlowPull Request Work Flow

What is the purpose of a pull request? When to submit one? What should a pull request include? How do we use pull requests at Township?

Downloadable Templates

💫Visioning Template

Our team visioning exercise template to use for reflecting, dreaming big, and creating strategies for achieving those goals. Great for end of year reflection/next year planning!

📌Remote Employee Onboarding Template

Our template for onboarding new employees, specialized for remote teams.